Okay- so here's an oldie, but a goodie. Yes -- that's right, we are Red Sox fans smack dab in the middle of Rockies country. (FYI for all of you out there that may not be married to baseball fanatics like my man -- the World Series starts tonight.)
Oh, and p.s. - that one sock of hers was missing for that ENTIRE season.

Those are some pretty cute fans! Last year we were really into the series because the Tigers were actually doing good. It's exciting to be in the series! I'll help cheer for your team over here!
How fun-----when I see this I wish my husband was a sports fan! No football, baseball, soccer fan in him. :)What great picture.
Awww....look at that picture! G was so little. How time flies!
Hi Tara! Very cute pic! Yes, I am sadly aware of the Word Series. *sigh* Miss you!
Who are they playing against? I don't pay attention if my Tigers aren't in it.
LOVE this picture!!!
GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ROCKIES!!! Yes, you need to be cheering for the Rockies...Boston won last year...give someone new a chance...Don't you worry, we might have gotten creamed last night but there are 6 more games. Game on girl! (Can you tell I was very competitive in athletics?) HA! Honestly, haven't even watched baseball until Rockies have been in the worldseries..not much of a fan am I.
Hello! Remember me?
I can feel for you on the commenting. Obviously I'm a little behind as well ;-)
Let's see....
Congrats on the award!
Would have loved to see your little one in her "cranky day" get up.
Hope you are back on with your mini me goals this week. And, I think that's all I have for now!
To Jennifer:
What are you talking about, your husband is not a sports fan? He's a triathlete, for goodness' sakes! :) He can be his OWN fan, in my opinion! Triathletes blow those guys out of the water.
Tara, whose blog this is, anyway:
I just had to say I loved your comment on the marriage thing at my place the other day... it was just so great, so funny but so true. I loved that you nailed it on the head so well...
"we've learned that we're both equally likely to feel rejected."
Just realizing that is a huge step of progress!
Cute pic.
Hey Tara!
Keep workin' on that mini me thing. I've been working on that too and I know it ain't easy sista!
I found it SO funny that you guys are Sox fans living in the Rockies... it been a slow day around here!
Oh, and I totally get ya on the wordless thing..
A Sox fan??? I KNEW I loved you!! Hehe... just kidding. But seriously. It's gonna be AWESOME to have World Series Champs and Superbowl Champs in the same year. AGAIN. *grinnin*
Beckett was HOT in game one, wasn't he?
Love ya, girl! Goooooooooo Sox!!
Yeah!!! They just won, right? Way to go Sox!
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