Victories of the week:
*Feeling like I still ate what I wanted for the most part
*I worked out 5/7 days this week!! That one is huge for me.
*Feeling like I have more discipline each day
*Really starting to enjoy my prayer journaling
*Finally doing something that doesn't feel like a diet -- it did at first, but now it doesn't
*Feeling freedom enough to just say "ehhhhh - it's fine" when I need to splurge here and there
*Watching the scale move in the right direction
*Drank tons of water!!
*A friend at school asked me if I'd lost weight and said I looked great, totally unprompted
*My jeans are starting to fit the way they used to (read: should)
Not so high lights of the week:
*I still had a Corona and a glass of wine here and there. I wonder how much that would help?
*I continue to go over on my "fats" exchanges at least a few days a week. I never knew that I ate that much fat -- the educational piece about what I'm *really* eating has been good for me. It's not like I'm eating fatty, processed foods all of the time -- just fats in the good stuff, too.
*Having some ice cream or something like that later at night than I should. I need to move up my "I don't eat after this time" time.
*I was going to eat my breakfast at home and take my own snacks to my Bible study on Friday but was running almost late and forgot. I did manage to eat well there, and even skipped the cookies and cinnamon rolls. I had fruit, yogurt and two mini-quiches as my treat instead.
Overall, it was a good week and I'm proud of myself for sticking with it and for making good progress. I think that the group of ladies I'm with makes it fun, too. They are all so different, and we are all at such very different places in our lives -- but on Thursday nights we're all in the same place for the same reason and we seem to laugh a lot. I am so, so, SO glad I started this program...putting God in First Place for my weight loss efforts was probably one of the smartest and best things I've ever done for myself!
Have a blessed week, friends. Here's my memory verse that I picked out for myself this week. I love it. LOVE it!!!
Romans 12:2 (NLT)
Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

Tara, I'm SO PROUD of you! 8.5lbs is just awesome & you're doing great! I'm even more excited about all that the Lord is showing you during this time. I love that verse encompasses so many aspects of our lives, not just's a great one. Keep up the GREAT work!
That is GREAT!!! I was just telling Earen how proud I was of her too.
Okay, consider the Corona mine. :)That is my favorite beer and would love to enjoy one right now with some pizza!
Like Lori said one time in my comment section.....
just keep swimming, just keep swimming!
That is AWESOME, Tara! I need to know more about this program, it sounds wonderful!!
CONGRATULATIONS, Tara! That's awesome!! What a great week. There is just nothing like fitting into jeans!! Keep it up!!
Congratulations on that 8 and 1/2 pounds. There is nothing better than fitting comfortably into your clothes!
Great job! Keep up the great work. It sounds like you're on the right path. I just have to get over that hump of where a diet doesn't feel like a diet (usually 4 days for me).
What an inspiration you are!
I wish I could say I excersized that much last week. Let's just say that neither I nor my eliptical machine got a workout at all last week. 8 and a half pounds is ALOT. Keep up the good work! Those jeans are great motivation arent they?
Yeah for you! I like all the victories you have listed. Good idea to think of it that way instead of just what the scale says - although that was good this week too.
Hey Friend,
I passed an award along to you---I am sure you'll see it later when you come over to read but I couldn't wait to tell you!!
Give me a T! A! R! A!! GOOOOOOOOOOO Tara!! Yay!!
8.5 lbs in 4 weeks is definitely something to celebrate. Something to be proud of. Something to make you say 'heck yeah!'
I'm so proud of you!! Can't wait to hear more!
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