I realized on the way home that we didn't get a single picture of Mason while we were there, but trust me. All you would have seen was a picture of the stroller with blanket covering it. No one saw him and he didn't see anything but the back of his eyelids, so I don't feel too badly. We have more than enough pictures of him in his carseat by now! (Isn't it funny how many of those sleeping and/or in the carseat, or sleeping in the carseat pictures you end up with, by the way?)
In any case, here's our day in pictures. Well, sort of. I was kind of a slacker with the camera this year. Anyway - I'll put a couple of videos at the end of the haystack jumping, which was noteworthy for two reasons: (1) We were in awe that the little two year old boy who would completely freak out with fear at the thought of going down a little gymboree slide was now a risk-taking almost 6 year old, jumping with glee off of a haystack tower and (2) I didn't have to take my husband to the hospital for another knee surgery after all. (Thank you, Lord!)
I hope you are all enjoying this beautiful season as much as we are! Happy Fall!
Waiting for Daddy to pay for our tickets.

Feeding the ducks and fish is fun!
What a fun day. It was fun to hear your voice! Glad no one was hurt in the filming of those videos - hee hee!
That was fun. I enjoyed those videos. It made me remember jumping of bales of hay in the barn when was a kid! It's amazing none of us kids got hurt doing that either!
I love Chris in the train.
Tagged you!
Love the pumpkin patch. We went a little over a week ago and I need to get my pictures up.
I guess we could start a new club...the wives of injured middle aged soccer players.
Pumpkin Patches are my favorite photo opp. I looked at your pictures before I read the writing and I kept thinking..."where's Mason??" Guess I shouldn't have skipped ahead.
Looks like you had a great day. The weather here has been gorgeous - just right for sitting on the porch, drinking coffee, and even building a fire in the evenings. So, YES, we are enjoying the weather, too!
I love all things fall. What a fun family outing. Great pictures and video.
Looks like a fabulous time! Love the haystack jumping!
Oh my goodness, Chris's expression made me laugh out loud! Great pics. That first one is priceless!
LOL, Chris looks a little cramped in that train ride.
The kids look like they had fun.
I love going to the pumpkin patch--it's one of my favorite kid activities ever!
Looks like you all enjoyed a really fabulous family day. Thanks for sharing it with us (especially the movie!)
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