One thing that he said really, really resonated with me and I've been thinking about it a lot this week. He said that if you are TRULY interested in hearing His voice, you need to be prepared and willing to hear him say NO. That's a good thing for me to hear because I can definitely get into periods where I perceive a non-response, when really it's just a NO. I am completely capable of being pretty self-absorbed and just waiting on the big YES that I know is surely coming my way. Really, I'm pretty dorky in that way.
Anyway...back to the thing I really wanted to share. He said that many times, God's responses to our prayers fall into four categories:
*No, I love you too much.
*No, not yet.
*Yes, I'm so glad you asked.
*Yes, and here's more.
In looking at my own life, I couldn't agree more with this. I really can plug into one of those for each and every prayer I've ever laid before His feet. I find, too, that lots of times -- the "Yes" answers start with the "No, not yet" reply.
Okay -- this is a much quicker post than I would like but I have to go sort $5,000 worth of cookie dough at M's preschool this morning. Don't ask.
Maybe I'll come back for Part 2 later.

Wow Tara- I wish I had been there to hear that sermon. What a truthful post too. I also think I just don't want to hear what He's telling me.
Great post!
Sigh. I miss hearing Robert speak. (I should ask...was it Robert speaking?) We keep saying we want to download his sermons. We haven't yet...but we will. I loved listening to Robert teach.
This is a great message. I too can relate those answers to my life. Thank you so much for sharing this, Tara!!
Love you!!
Sounds like a great sermon. Thanks for sharing the finer points. Good luck with the cookie dough. Sounds like fun ;-)
Renee, actually it was Pastor Doug. Robert was on vacation.
Love you, too!!
I love that! It is so true when we stop and think about it. It's also true, that I am not good at listening when it is a no.
Sounds like an incredible sermon! Thanks for sharing that.
And oh my goodness that's a lot of cookie dough!!!!
Thanks for your comment on my blog. It's nice to "meet" you. :)
I hate the cookie dough fundraisers - the Otis Spunkmeyer gets on my last nerve.
Thanks for sharing this with us --- I am not good at waiting on God - I tend to like to jump ahead of Him ---ALOT. Needed to hear that.
It's hard sometimes, when we don't get the answer we're hoping for...that helps me understand my children's reactions more!
Good luck with the cookie dough!
Sounds like you're surrounded with great teachers, huh? :) Consider yourself blessed. I just lost one of my favorite teachers... but Florida gained him. Maybe I'll be able to talk him into putting his sermons on the web :)
God bless you as you listen for His voice, my friend!
Oh! I love your new pic! :)
Thank you Tara for making me feel better about the whole chester drawers thing. You hubs and I would get along just fine (only no one would know what we are talking about - who the heck is chester anyway?). Otis stinks - I actually fell when we were unloading the cookie dough this year at school - the condensation made the floor slippery and I wore flip-flops --- never said I was the sharpest tool in the shed.
I have chosen to wear things that we dont have to iron on Sunday - I find it quite impressive that you thought for me to iron on Thursday night though - if only I were that organized!
And no, your bad perm doesnt make me feel any better because I had one of those too AND I was Annie ----how unfair is that? At least you just had bad hair, I had people making fun of me and calling me Annie for years. (I also had a mullet in 7th grade - I should have listed that as a WEIRD fact about myself). I suppose they were all character-builders in my life (I should have great character!)
Is your profile picture new? I haven't been visiting too many blogs lately... tis the season!
Anyway, I wanted to tell you "good job" on the weight loss thing. It's not easy, and for me it's a daily battle. But I have to say that it is getting easier to say "no" to the bad things!
Maybe I missed it, but how far are you from your goal? I have 26 more to go. I've lost 34 so far.
Just know that someone out there is in the same boat and is rootin' for ya!
I am totally with you. So many times I pray only to wonder what the answer is. Is it yes but later or is it no. Letting go and leaving it to God has always been hard for me. I give it to Him in the morning but pick it back up by noon. I am slowly learning
Yes, this is a struggle for me too..being absorbed by self, wanting the prayers to be answered my way. Ultimately though, I'm so thankful that I serve a God that knows way better than I, I just need to remember to trust Him always.
That sounds like a sermon I needed to hear. Thanks for sharing b/c I needed that.
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