I have another doctor appointment tomorrow, so hopefully nothing will be going on again. Chris is almost off of his crutches (Friday), so next week would be okay. The following week would be great! As always though, the only one who knows what's up isn't sharing the big plan.
In the meantime, we're hanging out and enjoying our time together. I think I've finally checked everything off of my baby "to do" list and feel ready to go in that regard. I believe the most impatient person in our family may very well be Mitchell. He simply cannot WAIT to meet his little brother or sister! It's so cute how excited he is.
I will leave you with some pictures from the 4th of July - and a belly picture, since I know you will ask for one, Jennifer P! We enjoyed a quiet time at home with my parents and hope that you all enjoyed your holiday as well. It certainly is a privilege to be able to celebrate the amazing blessing of being an American!

Glad to hear you're still hanging in there!
I love the picture of your little girl sitting on the step!
Keep us posted!
Wow - baby's growing! You still look so good. Sorry about the feet issues. I've been there with that too - it's hard to get them going in the morning when they're so swollen.
That Georgia looks adorable sitting on the steps. Glad you enjoyed your holiday.
SO good to hear from you! I'm glad you're feeling good. About the feet, get yourself some Crocs flip flops. They aren't always the cutest, but OH MY how they helped me! They are still my go-to shoes for comfort. And sometimes, when I'm chasing three kids down, comfort is key!
I loved the pics. Georgia is cracking me up in that first one!
Cute pics of the kids. Love that belly shot - it won't be long now!
so good to hear from you! glad to know you are still doing well - sorry about the feet. i have to agree with Shelley about the crocs - lifesaver for my feet!
cute pic's. Georgia is hilarious in the first one - oh what a face. love the belly pic - you look beautiful. keep us posted on the baby.. i can't believe he/she is almost here.
FRIEND!! I can't believe you are so close to having this baby! I can't wait to hear everything!! I got your comment about having a dream that you saw me in the store. Were you screaming & yelling at me because I've been a terrible friend and not called you back...yes, the phone is harder for me. Email me! I'd love to catch up...you know, when you're up at 3am. :-) I miss you! You look awesome!
Oh the FEET! That is exactly what mine did this time. The tops and toes. It hurt so bad. Girl, I wish I could hug you right now.
Keep going!
I love that one of your labels is "preggo stuff." Can't wait to see pictures when your little one makes an appearance. Sweet pictures...
You are looking so cute!! Does your little counter over to the side really say 18 days to go???? Ackk. I can't wait to see that baby! Praying for you in the last days, friend! Oh, and tell those kids to stop growing. Seriously.
Glad to hear everything is going good. Love the little pouty look. She is such a cutie
So glad to hear that your hubby will be off of the crutches in a week. I'm sure it has been a little bit of an anxious time for you. Won't be long, and those swollen feet will be given a rest!
Love the bathing suit pic. The belly is out there.....shouldnt be long now.
Glad you're hanging in there! Besides the feet, it sounds like you're doing great! Good luck when the time comes!
OMG! Look at you! :) What a cute pregnant momma you are-----who cares if you can only wear the same 3 pairs of flip flops!
I cannot wait to meet the new little one. Will he/she be as cute as Mitchell or pretty like Miss G?
Oh......can't wait! Where did the 9 months go?
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