Let's put it this way - I can only offer to drive two children somewhere and I have a MINIVAN, people. There should be wayyyyyy more room in there! But, no -- we pretty much fill it up on our own. Very strange. (In a wonderful way.)
Anyway, I'm getting ready to go to bed soon but thought I'd do a mini update.
Mitchell just started (and is LOVING) kindergarten. He had to miss the 2nd day of school because of a cruddy cold, which we found out today ended up turning into an ear infection. Go figure -- healthy all summer and BAM. Instantaneous illness with school starting. Nice. Doesn't it always end up that way? He is all kinds of excited because his teacher is taking them on a REAL treasure hunt tomorrow. He keeps emphasizing the "real" part to me. They are all dressing in their pirate best and everything -- he could not be more excited. I'm wondering what the treasure will be. I'm hoping it's celery myself. I would love something like that to be the ending. Tee hee!
Georgia just started (and is also LOVING) preschool. I am told that "she is a pro" when it comes to school. Now, if we could just get her to be a pro on the whole potty training thing, I'd be good. My hair stylist recently informed me of some gray hair sightings...I blame the potty training. She is more into playing with her babies these days and has developed a serious need to sing every day. Not a preference. A need. The girl must jam or things go south. She is also all about anything princess or princess-related. I believe it is an illness, actually.
Mason is growing like a crazy man. He is a little chunk and those baby smiles and coos just melt me and then some. He is the sweetest baby boy! At my MOPS steering retreat this weekend, I believe the longest he was not held was for about 7 minutes. He was a spoiled boy and just ate those ladies up. He would just snuggle in and the next thing you know, all sorts of hormones and "I want another one" comments just started flyin' around the room! He is a joy.
So. There you go. Again, I'll leave you with some pictures. First day of school and Mason at 6 weeks. The picture of him is actually the result of Miss Sassy Pants refusing to stay in her bed tonight at bedtime. We had to remove her beloved Duck and Blankie from the room. Mason was guarding them with his life, as you can see.
I hope to get back in the bloggy saddle soon - both reading and posting. For now, I'm doing the best that I can. Love to all...

I have been dying for you to post an update! Sounds like everything is going well. Mason is SO cute and I can't believe you have two in "school" Hugs!!!
They all look so cute. I think you're staying pretty busy with the 3 of them.
That's cute about the MOPS retreat. Same thing happened at our steering mtg on Tuesday - it was a precious little girl though. I'm in crazy mode getting ready for our first meeting on Tuesday.
Tara, I'm so glad the kids are loving school. Hope it stays that way for many years to come :)
He has the most beautiful skin!!! I wonder if having three is as difficult as you thought or easier than you thought....maybe a subject for the next post???
Three is fun, isn't it? I love that our little man just seems to fit right in. It sounds like Mason is the same way.
I heart Kindergarten!
Great update Tara! It sounds like your settling in to the mom of 3 thing! I still can't believe that I have 3, and my 3rd will be 2 in less than 2 weeks!!!
Awww- cute pics. Glad everyone is doing well.
Cute pix! Sounds like everyone is getting along swimmingly.
Tara I am so glad that things are going so well for you and the family. Mason is so cute. Glad the kids are liking school.
The kids look so cute! I hope Mitchell is feeling soon and that Miss G and baby Mason stay healthy. :)
Rest up and take things slowly----no rush.
So glad things are so great with you!
Our kids are all sick too. I think that it takes a month for them to build up their immune systems when they get back in the school. All those germs, don't ya know. :(
Mason is adorable! Very conducive to snuggling! :)
God bless!
We had that yuk at our house too! Hello germs! Happy Kindergarten!
Smiles - Stacey
Looks like you are hanging in there!! Great job. Love the pictures, they are getting so big! And MOPS steering? You go, girl! What position are you?
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