My husband returns to work in the morning after three weeks at home with us. It has been just long enough to make it feel like a new way of life -- having him around and just having family time all the time. I am so very, very lucky that he was able to have that kind of time at home with us...I know that. But I won't lie. I'm already getting a little teary thinking about him walking out the door in the morning. We're all going to miss him so, so much. I think it might be a rough morning around here. I think I'll try and focus the kids' attention on doing something special for him though - maybe we'll make some special pictures or bake some treats. I just want to channel their feelings and energy into something that will make everyone feel better at the end of the day.
Anyway - I thought since true reality will hit me tomorrow, I would post a short update while I have the chance. Here are some of the happenings of our big first week together at home.
* My husband has taken a surprising (and completely unprompted) interest in styling Miss G's hair. I'm serious. He came to pick me up from the hospital and very proudly told me that he figured out how to put her hair in a ponytail for the first time. It was seriously cute. Since then, he's taken the initiative and done her hair most days and has even accepted some modeling and coaching from me. Who knew?
* Half of my family thought Mason's name was Nathan. I guess it sounds sort of similar on the phone or something. I believe everyone now knows that it's Mason, but still -- how funny would that be if we got a card or something for Baby Nathan? I giggle thinking about that.
* Georgia has definitely come around to the whole Big Sister and Baby Brother idea. She asks about him all of the time and frequently wants to hold and kiss Mason. The funniest thing to us is that she never seems to be able to see him when I'm nursing. I mean, my nursing boobs are big, but it's not like you can't see him there. She'll walk around all confused looking everywhere and look straight at me and say "Where's my Mason?" See. Now there's a girl for ya - looking anywhere BUT at the boobs. (If any of you watch that silly "Wipeout" show -- which is our new family favorite, by the way -- Chris had me laughing so hard one night. He said Georgia is like that crazy girl from Alaska who couldn't find the pole when it was sticking up right in front of her. It is JUST like that.)
* Mitchell is a great helper, just like we knew he would be. He is so smitten with his Baby Brother. Our favorite is when people come to see us or bring a meal over...he turns into sort of a mini Vanna White. He holds his hands up just like she does at the beginning of a new puzzle and says "And HERE is Mason. See? Here he is!" It's pretty cute. He also reads him books every day - and that gets me all misty. I mean, you just don't ever expect your "baby" to be big enough to read books (and I mean READ books) to a mini-him. Very strange. And special. And extraordinary. And bizarre. All at the same time.
* My husband looks pretty darn hot holding this little guy. What is it about the whole Daddy thing? He is a great Daddy and seeing him in action with all three of our special little kiddos just makes me weak in the knees.
* Can I tell you that I had forgotten just how much these little newborn people poop? Really. All. The. Time. Mitchell has gotten a complete kick out of the two times that I've gotten mega peed on. I thought he might have an accident himself the first time - he was laughing so hard. It got even more giggly when Mason started pooping on the changing table. I'm still trying to remember to cover that little fire hose with a washcloth every time I take his diaper off. I got out of the habit with Miss G.
* Mason is just about as sweet as he can be. I am finding it very difficult to put him down, not because he's fussy but because I know all too well how quickly it goes and how fast they grow. Right now, one of my very favorite things on the planet is true -- his little teeny bottom fits right in the palm of my hand when I hold him. *sigh* I just adore that. He is a complete snugglebug and I think that I might be setting myself up for trouble in the future, but I don't care. I am gonna hold and snuggle and love on that baby boy all I can.
So. There ya go. Just the tip of the iceberg but some of the latest happenings and learnings at our house. We are happy. We are in love. We are beyond blessed.

I am so glad that everything is going so well. :)
Sounds like everyone is adjusting well! LOL at Mitchell laughing at Mason peeing on you! Thanks for the update.
Tara, it sounds like things are just wonderful! I'm so glad you've had such a great week! Tomorrow morning when your sweet huuby goes back to work, don't be surprised if the water works turn on. Mine did. I think about 60% of it was horomones, and 40% was truly feeling a bit scared and sad. But you will be AWESOME. You have such a positive spirit, and three sweet kiddos. And before you know it, daddy will be home again!
Oh, sweetie. I am right there with you. Holding my baby makes me soooo happy. I can't seem to put him down and I miss him like crazy when he is sleeping.
My advice to you is to call a friend to come over tomorrow and maybe this week. Shelley is right (she is one of the friends that I called!). It will get pretty emotional tomorrow and HARD. Don't feel like you have to do it all by yourself yet. You are still healing and the hormones are from the devil.
I wish I could come and stay with you. But I am sending you hugs, dear friend.
You can do it!
What a sweet, wonderful update!! Hang in there tomorrow. Just have fun with kids and enjoy that lil' baby bum!!
Congratulations- so happy for you!
We love Wipeout too and I remember that girl- we laughed our heads off!
Hope your day went well yesterday. I remember that same feeling of angst when my hubby left (of course that was only after one child...I can't imagine with 3!). Sounds like everyone's adjusting just fine. He's adorable!
Congratulations again. You are so amazing. I'm so happy that everything is going so well. You are a pro. I can so picture M in hysterics over the pee. I'm really oh-so happy for you and your family.
Oh, this post brings back so many memories for me of those few short months ago when Lincoln was so new.
Praying for you as you adjust to caring for all three.
SO happy for you. What a blessing you've been given.
Oh Tara, he's just absolutely beautiful. I was on vacation last week so I'm catching up. I'm so glad that everything is going well and that the kids love their new brother.
So funny about him peeing all over - have to remember that washcloth, huh?
Hey Tara. I am so glad that things are going so well. That Numb " I am the mom of 3" feeling goes away after about a month. LOL! Luv you guys. He is so cute.
I just loooved this post! Such great updates on everyone. Congratulations on this latest blessing.
You never fail to amaze me. You are such a sweet and strong woman. I enjoyed reading about your first week of being a mom to 3 kiddos!
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