very long story.
The labor -- well, the labor is its own little ball of wax. Nothing major, just long. And by long I mean 3 days of very little sleep and lots of contractions. We did end up being induced the night before, which was not fun for me at all. I wouldn't change a thing though, as it's all gone the way that I know it was supposed to.
Actually, as I was laying in bed Wednesday night, fighting through some very painful contractions for the third exhausting night in a row, I started to get discouraged. I started to doubt myself. I started to question the way it all was going. I started to cry and swirl negative thoughts around myself.
Then I realized what I was doing and heard my husband's voice in my head...he had been saying all along that we were going to be positive. We were going to say positive things. We were going to have the positive experience that we wanted. (When we were walking the halls of the hospital at 3 am Wednesday morning before they sent us home...I told you the labor was its own story...I told him that I was positive I wanted to go home and sleep.) He was asleep on the little pull out sofa bed in my room and had no idea that my sleeping pill had worn off when I started diving into my little negative pool. But I looked over at him and just knew he wouldn't stand for it -- if I woke him up to tell him what I was battling through -- and he would be right.
So. I made a decision to just knock it off and I went back to my word for the year. Trust. I made that the focus of my prayers that night. Trust in myself and my body. Trust in my husband. Trust in the doctors and nurses caring for myself and my baby. Trust in our family to care for Mitchell and Georgia. Most of all, trust in The Lord and His plans for all of the above.
My decision to meditate on and pray for the trust I so desperately needed to give myself over to resulted in a huge surge of the strength, hope and encouragement that I so very much needed at that time. It's the best thing I could have done for myself, and you know what? Things started to turn around shortly after I made that decision.
As long and drawn out and painful as my labor was, my delivery was equally as quick, painless and wonderful. I can honestly say that this was the best delivery of the three and that I would do it all again in a heartbeat without a second thought! One of my favorite things is that while we waited for the doctor to arrive (yes, I had to sit and breathe through some contractions and fight the urge to push!) I decided that I wanted Chris to tell me who this baby was. So, when the doctor finally arrived, I told him that I wanted it to be my husband who announced the news about it being a girl or a boy. That was a great decision -- it was so wonderful to hear the joy and see the delight in my husband's face as he pumped his fist and yelled
"Yes!! It's a boy!!"
I remember just crying and laughing, all at the same time and being about as full of happiness and gratitude as one person could be for the healthy new life that we were welcoming into this world and into our family.
Mason Lawrence arrived at 12:33 pm on Thursday, July 31st. He was 7 lbs, 12 oz and a lengthy 21 1/2 inches long. He has a head of black hair and is as sweet as can be. My mom made the comment this morning that we'll need to label all of the newborn pictures or we'll get his and Mitchell's mixed up -- he is the spitting image of his big brother. Well, except that Mitchell was totally bald. But put a hat on them, and it is a pretty striking resemblance.
We are beyond thankful that he is a healthy little man. Believe me, I don't take it for granted that we were able to stroll out the doors of that hospital with our baby boy just days after his birth. As we waited for the elevator to come, I said a special prayer for all of the mommies and daddies in this world who don't get to do the same thing, and an extra special prayer went out for those people in my life who have had very different endings to their own birth stories.
As I rode in the car after leaving the hospital, hand-in-hand with my very best friend in the world, we remarked how different our journey home has been with all three kids. The first time, I honestly couldn't believe they were letting us go home and wondered how they could be so certain that we could keep him safe and healthy without help. The second time, we were bathed in pink, marveling at how much things had already changed and how we just couldn't believe we had TWO children. This time, we left feeling happy and relaxed, grateful and proud. It was like the thing we never knew was missing was in place, and we were the last ones to know how good it would feel.
Well, Mason is beside me and starting to squirm around, which means he'll be ready to eat (again) in a minute. I'll leave with some pictures of our magical little guy and the very proud family into which he was born.

Oh my goodness, what a divine family of 5 you make! Cogratulations again Tara, Chris, Mitchell & Georgia! Welcome to the party Mason! :)
Tara, you have a beautiful family! I'm so proud of you! Congratulations Lujan Family!
Congrats to you and your family. You look like a great 5some. Hope the transition goes well.
Woo Hoo!!! Congratulations! What a perfect and wonderful miracle from God. Thanks for sharing the news (and pictures with us).
Congrats on the the new addition to your family! We are a family of five and we love it. Hope you get plenty of rest over the next few days, weeks, months,...years!
Have fun with your newest bundle!
Sniff, sniff. Even though I knew the outcome to this story, you still brought tears to my eyes with your sweet telling of it. I am SO happy for you and your family, Tara, and SO excited about the life of your little Mason.
I'm praying for you and your family, and hope that the adjustment is going well. I really wish I could come over with a meal, or bring you some Starbucks while you take a shower.
Congratulations, my friend, and love you!
Beautiful Baby! Congratulations!
You have me bawling like a baby again! You have a gorgeous family and I love your positive outlook and how you know it's His blessings that helped you through it all. You are a beautiful person Tara. CONGRATS again to all of you!
Congratulations my friend! He's precious!!
Congratulations to all of you. He is beautiful and fits into your family just right!
Congrats again! Glad the delivery went well.
You and your family are absolutely gorgeous. You look happy, so content with the many blessings that you have received. Wow is all that I can say. You are so much of what one could only hope to be. Bless you my friend and congrats. Little Mason is such a cutie pie...and, bless his heart, has NO idea what he is in for. Hold on tight dear child...and you too Mommy Tara. It's gonna be quite a ride...
Much love,
erin,gary, hailey and hanna sakryd
Congratulations, Tara. WOW...he came in with a bang!!
He is precious, just like the rest of your family! I'm SO happy for you.
The fist pump "It's a boy."? Jason has done that three times in a row now!! :)
Tara! What a tender and beautiful story. Thank you for sharing your joy with us. I love your pictures...especially you and Mason.
Just being 7 weeks after the birth of my baby, so many things you said made me feel those emotions of his birth again. I am grateful for your sweet heart!
OH TARA, he is BEAUTIFUL! I'm so beyond thrilled for you and your sweet family. That sweet baby is and will be such an incredible blessing to your family. And I for one, would love to hear the WHOLE story! :) I'm sure it's interesting!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! He is just beautiful. What a blessing he will be to your family. Thanks for sahring your news and all the great pictures :o)
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