*Cameras. I LOOOOOVE pictures. They are definitely on the things to grab list if there's ever a reason to flee the house.
*The telephone. Seriously. What would I do without it??
*Fresh Flowers. I love to look at them and feel so special when I receive them. They're so beautiful. One of God's amazing creations.
*Blogs! Hellloooooooooo...self explanatory, right? *hugs, bloggy friends*
*My husband and I crack each other up. Yesterday I hit him between the eyes with a spongy football the size of a tangerine and I bet we laughed for 15 minutes. I was crying I was laughing so hard. It's so "us" and I'm so thankful that it's true. We laugh all the time.
*A hubby who doesn't mind rubbing my back. Does it get any better than that??
*Ice cream. Uhhh, YEAH. 'Nuff said.
*Grandparents. They have made a huge impact in my own life and are tremendously influential in my children's lives. I'm so thankful to be able to say that.
*My pink bathrobe thing. So comfy!!
*Always having enough to eat. My children have never TRULY experienced hunger, and for that, I am so grateful.
*My iPod - Rebekah, you're right. Thank the Lord for iPods!!
* Tissue. We have been very appreciative of it this week around here.
*Shoes. I love them. I just do.
*Public libraries. I mean, free books? Come on...that is the coolest!!!
*The Bible. It is where I go to renew, refresh and remind myself of what REALLY matters and where my Hope can be found.
*K-Love -- that station keeps me in the right frame of mind all day long. It's especially good on days like today where I'm dangerously close to losing my mind!!
*Gingerbread Spice hot tea. It's my new thing this week. Just the little treat I need to warm me up - -and no guilt! Hooray!!
*We have two safe, comfortable vehicles. Being able to go where we want, when we want, and not have to worry about the safety of the car taking us is such a gift. It gives our family freedom.
*A warm bed to snuggle into each night. I can't imagine not having that and know that I am fortunate for having a bed at all, let alone a very, very comfy one. (And a snuggly hubby in there, too. Bonus!!)
*Mexican food. Specifically chile rellenos, cheese enchiladas and GOOD green chile. Not that I have weight issues or anything.
*MOPS...it has blessed my life in so many ways. I have made some amazing friendships and have learned so much about myself there.
*Hugs. Very few things in this world can make me happier or feel better than a good hug from someone I love.
*Okay, okay - I'll say it. I am thankful for Starbucks!!!
*We're selling our house because we WANT to, not because we HAVE to. We're not in foreclosure, we don't have two mortgages, we're not upside down in our mortgage. We will actually be upgrading. So our house hasn't sold yet. We are tremendously blessed to HAVE a home of our own.
*My good health. I'm SO appreciative of that.
*My girlfriends...each and every one of them.
*I'm a child of God, and have the freedom to worship Him. Amazing Grace for sure.
*I'm an American! I'm so blessed to be able to say that.
*Being married to my (totally hot) best friend. I treasure our love.
*My two beautiful, healthy children. Miracles -- both of them.

Love the list. Love the new pics. Loved the story about the security guard - I saw it on the news this morning -our world is a mess. I need to do a thankful list too!
So, I wonder when your house will sell. There is one for sale in our new neighborhood - it is really nice and I am a great babysitter!
So your husband really cleans the kitchen? Bragger! :-) Your house sounds alot like mine (except the husband cleaning part)- there is rarely a serious moment and we like it that way.
Have I mentioned that Elizabeth Anne is a beautiful name for a little girl? Just a thought. I know you just found out you are pregnant, but its never too early to lock in a name, ya know? ;-)
Oh yeah, I forgot ---while you guys are playing in the snow....we were wearing shorts today ---it was 80 degrees.....what is up with that????????
All your thankfulness allows me to see more into your life & heart. Thank you for sharing that! And yes...I owe you a phone call & will do that soon! Where does the time in the day go? I'm thankful for the new little surprise blessing you have in inside you & Bethanne, I think she was thinking about the name Earen because it can go for boy or girl! HA!
Great list! We need to keep being thankful after Thanksgiving day.
Your hubby is a great guy!
Well, it looks like I need to put my vote in for Alana if your babye is a girl ;-). It wouldn't be the first time a friend of mine named their daughter that...I'm just sayin'!
That was a very fun thankful list, hope you are feeling well!
Thank YOU for reminding me to be thankful! BTW, good luck on your house-selling!
I like your thankful list. Maybe I should make one and tape it right on my bathroom mirror so I see it every day. It was icy and cold by us today. It's probably the same storm that passed by you.
I bought the Silk Eggnog, just because YOU said it was SOOOO good.
AND IT WAS!!!!!!!!
It's like drinking a sugar cookie. Only less fattening.
But I still have no idea if that is even remotely what eggnog should taste like. Perhaps I need to try making it soon...
I've battled a head cold this week, right? I was reading your long thankful list and you DON'T want to know what I thought you were thankful for at first when I read "K love"! :) Blame it on the head cold!!! Blush---can't believe I'm even admitting where my gutter mind was for a split second!
What a great list! I hadn't noticed "Fresh Flowers" before, but that is a great one that I forgot! And your December one is shaping up nicely too! I hope you're feeling OK!
This is a great idea. I'm glad you're doing it. It's hard to complain when you're busy being grateful (I'm saying this for myself.) It DOES give me a little more insight to that sweet heart of yours. :)
Love you, girl! Miss you!
What a great list! Thanks for sharing! Now you've got me thinking about a ton of things in my own life that I have to be thankful for! :)
God bless! Heather
Congrats on baby #3. We had our third nine months ago and I cannot even begin to express the joy he brought to us. Life was easier with just two kids but not nearly as sweet.
Loved your list. Tell me more about gingerbread spice tea. I need to try that!
Found your blog from Alana's jsut today.
loving this list!!! and yes, i agree...good to leave the gratitude list up and just keep adding! :)
How ya feeling?
Hello? Hello? Anyone home? I was, umm, looking for Tara?
hahahaha I hope you are feeling AOK.
did my last post not go through??
I hope you're feeling okay...I miss reading your thoughts on here!!
I'm praying for you, and will call you soon.
Love you sweet friend!
You still there? How are you feeling friend? Hope you are feeling waaay sick-----that means those hormones are kicking in. :)
Seriously, haven't heard from you and wanted to tell you that you are missed.
I'm glad to hear that everyone is feeling better!!! Have fun away this weekend!
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