Seeing as how it's Wednesday and I'm in a rush to get Mitchell to school so that Georgia and I can go finish my shopping, I will just take the Not-So-Wordless-Wednesday path today. I *do* have a more thinking cap type blog in my head -- it's been there for about 2 weeks now -- maybe this week I can find a few minutes to get it down.
Love and hugs to all my bloggy friends. Hope you are wrapped in the love of Christ as the day of his birth draws near.
Our first family gingerbread house. We were sort of over it by the time we got to the windows and the wreaths. The kids loved playing in the backyard after the snow. Unfortunately my camera batteries died after these two shots. That last one is of Georgia after she face planted. Doesn't she look thrilled? It was pretty funny - she is SUCH a drama queen.

(((HUGE HUGS))) I don't know how you do it hon. You are always so busy. You make me tired!
Bless your heart, the fatigue is just hard with pregnancy. I pray you have enough energy to get through the holiday season.
So exciting to see your little bean!
Good luck with all of the wrapping, that's one of my main goals today!
Good to hear from you!!
By the way, July 27th is Mattea's birthday. We also have a July 18th too (Madden). What a fun month of celebration we'll share together! :)
Rest----glad to know you are feeling good despite the fatigue.
I'm wrapping today too! And I hope that blog post you've got in your head stays there...mine seem to find their way out of my head!
Big hugs my friend. Can't wait to hear the blog that's been brewing :)
I miss you friend!! I will be praying that the Lord give you the strength you need during this time. It's a whole new ballgame being pregnant & chasing after 2 little ones, isn't it! I'm so excited your appointment went well. I love you my friend & I'll see you Friday!
Take it easy - even through the holidays. Those first few months are always exhausting!
Love your little gingerbread house. I saw that Jennifer made those too. How cute.
Love the face on that cute little drama queen!
Glad to hear that things are okay (okay is better than feeling sicker than a dog). And I wouldn't apologize about not blogging. This is a busy time of year anyway. The time spent resting and being with your family is more important. Have a Merry Christmas.
Glad to hear you and bean are doing well. I remember those tired days of pregnancy. If you would just move to NE TN, I would watch your kids while you rest! I am jealous that you and Earen get to see each other alot -it's not really fair.
Cute gingerbread house - cute kids!
I remember being really tired at the beginning of my pregnancies too! Take it easy and rest when you can!
Glad to know all is well! How fun to see the little one at your appt - YEAH! If you want to have your baby 20 days early you can hit my birthday on July 7th :P
Keep rested, enjoy the season - the gingerbread house and snow look like fun!
I could never stay up past 8 either when I was pregnant. It was hard to keep up that way.
I have actually been able to wrap some things, so I'm feeling pretty good about that. I hope that you can get it done without wearing yourself out. This would be a hard time to be going through the first stages of pregnancy. You know what, I am probably not helping, so I'll be quiet now!
Take care of you-
Hang in there Tara! I remember well, but keep your chin up!
I'm also in the wrapping like a mad woman phase. And I'm also biting my nails waiting for last minute packages to arrive. Eeek! I'll bet I'm wrapping like crazy on Christmas Eve.
Oh...snow fun! Never will happen here but it looks great. Hang in there!
I am praying that you guys have a wonderful Jesus- filled Christmas. Next year will be even better! I know your house (like mine) is going to be a mess with paper and bows for the next little bit, but I am praying that you will still be able to rest and have some time with Jesus. You are such a blessing to me and REALLY do wish we lived next door to each other.
Still loving on you my friend, praying for some reprieve of the winter sickies! :)
Merry Christmas Tara. What a special treat before Christmas you were given. Hope you are feeling more rested and back with us soon!
Come see me when you're better and the holidays are over. I miss you. ;)
Hope you had a wonderful Christmas. I can't imagine doing all of that in the first trimester - you must be exhausted! But the second wind is coming!! Just hold on...
Merry Christmas Tara! You are one busy bee! That's what I like about you, you take everything in stride and make it all look so easy! :)
Merry Christmas, Tara!!
Love you!
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