1. Wrapping paper or gift bags?
Both. I have a large collection of both. In storage. And an ever growing assortment of gifts accumulating in the basement. Waiting for both a tree and gift wrap. Back to the subject though - I have both bags and wrapping paper, but when it comes to wrapping paper, look out. I have sort of an addiction to it. No matter how much I already have, I *always* buy at LEAST a roll or two every season because I just can't help myself. Oh, and one thing I also have started doing that my mom did growing up was to do covered boxes. Basically you wrap gift boxes in special paper and instead of tape, use glue to secure it and permanently wrap it. Then, every year that person gets a gift in the same box. They are my most favorite boxes in the entire world and some of them are literally falling apart but we still use them. I love getting gifts in my scottie dog paper (I had a scottie dog phase in 7th grade), or my paper doll paper (that started in about 3rd grade), etc. It's definitely a tradition I want to continue in my family. Mitchell already has a Peanuts box and Georgia will have a Princesses box this year.
2. Real tree or artificial?
Artificial. My mom is allergic to pine -- she stops breathing. SO - we have always had a fake tree. I actually am very turned off by the strong scent, so it works for me. I think my husband missed a real tree at first but he's all good with the not ever spending money on it again thing, being the thrifty man that he is. Plus, it's pre-lit. Hello.
3. When do you put up the tree?
Not as soon as I'd like. It varies every year. The year Mitchell was born I had it up the day after Thanksgiving with some help from my dad because I was ready to pop. We were going to put it up last week but did the outside lights instead. We're doing it on Saturday.
4.When do you take the tree down?
Usually the week after New Year's.
5. Do you like eggnog?
No. I LOVE IT!!! And Renee -- there is a GREAT, lowfat, safe for pregnant women eggnog that I discovered when I was preggo with Miss G. It's yummy and better for you - I love it and haven't bought the real stuff since! I put some in my coffee this morning, actually. You're welcome. :)

6. Favorite gift received as a child?
Ohhh, toughie. Hmmmm - I'm going with my walkman and Bonnie Tyler tape in 6th grade. Total Eclipse of the Heart, dudes. Like, totally.
7. Do you have a nativity scene?
Yes, three of them. Two are for the kids, the white, ceramic one is for the top of the entertainment center! We have this one from Current and Mitchell just got this Little People one for his birthday. Both are huge hits.
8. Easiest person to buy for?
My husband. I get a list every year.
9. Hardest person to buy for?
My grandma. I hate drawing her name because, seriously. The woman needs (and pretty much wants) nothing. I usually end up doing gift cards to restaurants for her.
10. Worst Christmas gift you ever received?
Oh, SO easy. The ex (a.k.a., "The Jerk") on our first Christmas together gave me -- and I promise, I am not making this up -- a joke book and a tin of popcorn. We were 24 years old and that's what he gave me. Uhhhh, YEAH. That was him in a nutshell.
11. Mail or e-mail Christmas cards?
Mail. Though at this point, I'm aiming for Valentine's Day cards. *sigh*
12. Favorite Christmas movie?
I think it's Rudolph, which I just watched tonight with the kids. Still love it. It was always my favorite.
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas?
Usually the first week of December, but I started a little earlier this year.
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present?
I think I did with a bottle of red wine once. I just have never been a cabernet fan and gave it to someone who was as a hostess gift.
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas?
Oh, another easy one! Our traditional Christmas Eve meal. It's a Danish thing (my great grandparents on my mom's side came from Denmark) and we always thought it was this very special meal. My mom and her cousin went to visit a few years ago, and it turns out it's a very routine thing to eat there. Who knew?
It is carb city, people and sounds strange but it is so yummy I can't even begin to describe it to you. Anyone who has ever joined us for Christmas Eve dinner has fallen in love with it, too!
Here's how you put it in the soup bowl (the flat kind work best, by the way):
*mashed potatoes on top of the rice
*homemade chicken and noodles (like a stew with peas and carrots) over the top of both
*homemade chicken/veal meatballs (that have literally like 10 sticks of butter in them) on top of everything
I have no words for the yumminess that IS this Christmas meal.
16. Clear lights or colored on the tree?
Ours are colored. I think the kids like it that way. Works for now. I don't have a strong preference. My mom has two trees -- her fancy tree is all clear lights with gold, crystal and white ornaments and is just gorgeous.
17. Favorite Christmas song?
Away In A Manger.
18. Travel at Christmas or stay home?
Well, we go to my parents' house for Christmas Eve, have all the grandparents over for breakfast on Christmas morning and go to my in-laws for Christmas dinner.
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer?
Not at the moment. I'm too tired. Love that Rudolph, though!
20. Angel on the tree top, or a star?
We have both. The angel is in SORRY condition though, so probably a star.
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?
My kids get to open one gift on Christmas Eve each year and it's always new, washed and ready to go pajamas to sleep in. Another tradition I carried over from my own childhood. I love it. Georgia's just arrived today -- here they are!
22. Most annoying thing about this time of year?
I think for me it's that stress sometimes wins out. Too many parties, too many gifts to buy, too many cards to mail, too much food to cook, etc. It's like good intentions pile up and sometimes result in the focus of the season getting lost. It's sad that it sometimes feels so hard to make the season Christ-centered.
23. What I love most about Christmas?
I love seeing the whole thing through the eyes of my children. The wonder of the story of Jesus' birth. The beautiful songs that they love to sing. The joy and excitement of the gift giving and receiving. The fun it is to see them adore the trees, the lights, and all of the decorations. I just think that there's nothing like the magic of the season to a child. I just love it.
As for tagging someone, I'm going with Sadie, Emily, and Teresa. Get on it, sisters. By the way, T -- I always want to comment but it won't let me. And, Em - I am trying to get you to move past the pumpkin patch, honey. LOL *smooches to you, friends*
Yeah, so fun to read! Thanks for sharing. Your answers were definitely putting a smile on my face - your wit is a blessing to me today!
I will have to try Silk Nog. Thanks for the tip
Oh my family loves egg nog too. I have to about hide it when I buy it, otherwise it will be gone right away.
And I love the idea of the gift box every year. That's so cool!
"Total Eclipse of the Heart, dudes. Like, totally..."
Oh that brought back some Memories!!!
Great List!
Singing into my hairbrush in my best Bonnie voice **** "Once upon a time there was light in my life, now there's only love in the dark ---nothing I can do---total eclipse of the heart"
Love it!!!! Why is it that songs from when you were younger bring back so many memories? There are lots of songs (some I should never have listened to in the first place) that I can hear and be 15 again (ie Def Leppard Pour Some Sugar on Me - there are more, but I wont bore you with all of them).
Not sure about silk nog. What the heck is silk anyway I see it in the store, but figured it was for tree hugger kind of people. I know milk comes from cows, but where does silk come from? But, I sure do love egg nog and I have the hips to prove it!!!
So fun to read more about you!! Miss you & looking forward to seeing you Friday!
That was so much fun. CANNOT believe the jerk gave you a joke book????? And a tin of popcorn?????? WHA???
LOL at the song. It was stuck in my head for forever!
Oh, I LOVE the tin of popcorn and the jokebook. You couldn't make that stuff UP! Hilarious.
I've been afraid to try store-bought egg nog. I may try this, though... since you're all so gun-ho and everything... ;)
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